Welcome SDIAPT

The coaching staff and volunteers supporting our production team welcomes all skaters and parents to the site where we will be posting all the information for the 2019/2020 season.

Duration and Commitment

Skaters who are invited to join the team will start practices September 18th, 2019. Our season will end June 30th, 2020. Every Wednesday, skaters will have off-ice practice from 5:10- 5:40pm, and on-ice practice from 5:45-6:15pm. During the first semester, they will also have a performance enhancement class Thursdays from 5:45-6:15pm.

It is very important that skaters be able to commit to the full season. Our routine is constantly changing, and it is extremely difficult setting choreography and for skaters to learn the program when teammates are missing. We understand that sometimes vacations are planned and things come up, but as coaches, our expectation is that we are notified ahead of time. We want to know that all skaters plan to make this team a priority. Skaters who miss too many practices may be asked to leave the team. Being selected to join this team is a privilege, and the skaters who show the most commitment will be rewarded.

Cost Breakdown

Our costs and payment structure are changing this year. Costs are broken down into THREE types; skating school enrollment, off-ice fees, and the one-time “season fee”.

  • Skating School enrollment: Skaters are required to sign up for the production class which costs $204 for each 12 week semester. Some skating school discounts may apply. Our season runs for 3 semesters.
  • Off-ice fees: $25 per semester for 5:10-5:40 off-ice practice
  • Season Fee: $400 one time only. This can be paid in full by Oct. 1st, or made in two payments of $200 on Oct. 1st and Nov. 1st. This fee covers the following:
    • Jacket *
    • Performance Enhancement class with Niesha
    • Competition entries at 3-4 events plus the Christmas Show
    • Costume
    • Props & Accessories
    • Set and backdrop
    • Coaching expenses for competition and choreography
*Every skater is required to have a team jacket. Skaters who do not need to purchase a new one will pay a $300 Season Fee.

Ice Skating Institute Membership

All team members will be required to become members of ISI at skateISI.org, and to submit their membership number. This membership number is used to enter all skaters in competitions. Cost is $15 per year.

Extra On & Off Ice Practice

It may be necessary for us to call additional on and off ice practice in the weeks before performances, especially leading up to the Christmas Show. These extra practices may be Wednesdays after our regularly scheduled time or Saturday mornings. You will be notified at least 2 weeks in advance.